Nightmare Before Christmas
Halloween Props

By Sue Roberts


I started using the Hot Wire Foam Factory cutting tools a few years ago and have recently expanded my collection. I have used HWFF tools for many different projects including my recent Nightmare Before Christmas project. I made these yard props inspired by Tim Burton’s iconic film.


Nightmare before Christmas sculpture
Nightmare before Christmas sculpture


I used the Foam Fusion to glue my blocks together then used the Freehand Router , Hot Knife, and the Sculpting Tool to get my shape. I then used a sure-form shaver to smooth out edges and form. Then for the fountain, I cut individual foam scales and glued them on one by one.


Make your own Halloween Sculptures
Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween sculpture


After the fountain was fully assembled I coated it all with the Hot Wire Foam Factory Foam Coat. As this was the first time using the Foam Fusion and the Foam Coat I am extremely happy with the results. The only suggestions I might make is that I live in new England and found that the drying time for the Foam Fusion takes a bit longer in high humidity areas & had to make allowances for drying time so I could not rush it.


Make your own Nightmare before Christmas sculpture
Nightmare before Christmas sculpture


make your own Nightmare before Christmas sculpture
Nightmare before Christmas sculpture


Nightmare before Christmas sculpture


I hope to enjoy many other products that HWFF has to offer, I have not been disappointed yet.

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Pro 4-Tool Kit • StyroGoo • All Purpose Foam Coat