Bronze Statue “Hopes and Dreams”
By James Gabbert
“Hopes and Dreams” was installed at a hospital garden in September 2015.

I used the Hot Wire Sculpting Tool and the Hot Knife to shape the one-third scale model and the full-size work. For the scale model I started with higher density insulation foam and after carving, I covered it in a soft brown wax to create the intended detail and texture.

The 120% of life-size work was carved from lightweight Styrofoam (and denser blue foam for the more delicate hands) and then covered and finished with plaster-of-Paris, then, on to the foundry for casting in bronze.

About the Artist:
“I am a sculptor and always have been. Graduated from Colorado College with a Fine Arts Degree. However, throughout most of my adult life my creativity was channeled into my career as a retail entrepreneur. During my business career I was known as an industry leader, visionary, and innovator. Late in 2008, with the sale of my businesses, and my wife and I becoming empty nesters, I took the opportunity to return to my passion.”