Rapunzel’s Tower

Mike From Southern California

This beautifully detailed replica of Rapunzel’s Tower from Fantasy Faire at Disneyland was made by Mike from Southern California. He has admired the tower for years and was attracted to it because it appeared to be made of stone.

Mike was able to meet with some of the model makers and imagineers at Disney to get an idea of how to construct the tower. He collected scraps of Styrofoam packing cubes as well as pink and green XPS Insulation boards from Lowes and Home Depot.

He started work on the living quarters area, making a base with the insulation foam then adorning it with Styrofoam pieces.

The roof was made with two pieces of Styrofoam that were glued together and cut to the proper shape.

He made shingles out of the insulation foam and applied them to the roof.

He constructed the chimney, tapered column, and base out of PVC pipe, then began gluing the pieces together and adding coats of our Exterior Foam Coat as well as other products. He used a grout removal tool to carve a stone brick-like texture into the Exterior Foam Coat once it was dried. The spires were made with Sculpty clay and painted gold.


Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Pro Model 4-In-1 KitExterior Foam CoatStyroGoo