EVA Foam Rose

By Victoria Lohman


Victoria made this beautiful rose with EVA Craft Foam using Hot Wire Foam Factory products.

eva rose 6

eva rose 4

She started by tracing the pattern onto a sheet of EVA foam, using the Original Scroll Table with the #007 Precision Scroll Table Wire. She did a rough first cut, then a second refined cut.

rose 2


rose 3

She did the same with the leaves and used the Precision Engraver to add detail. Her daughter, Denise, applied a coating of Bounce and painted the rose.

eva rose 5

rose 4

Victoria then used a heat gun to soften the rose petals and form them into shape. Styrogoo was used to keep glue it together.

eva rose 3



Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Original Scroll Table • StyroGoo

Bounce Rubberizer2-In-1 Pro Tool Kit