Wedding Moon Gate
Julia Rowland
I have attached photos of the front and the back of the moon gate used in Saturday’s wedding. For those who might not know the meaning behind a “moon gate” here it is: according to Chinese legend, people who walk through a moon gate, especially young lovers & honeymooners, are blessed with good luck. The couple walked through the gate single, and left married, so they were twice blessed.
The gate wall was put together with wooden skewer picks, then in any gaps I used white dap, then sprayed painted right over it. Along the top of the wall I used 1/4″ pvc pipe with a rope through it and tied it off to a sturdy structure on both ends. The top was placed on top and with the wooden picks again. The ivy vines are on there with floral pins. All was spray painted with Krylon textured paint. One very simple project. The tools used for this project were the Sled Guide, Freehand Router, and Compound Bow Cutter.