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The Skewer-Pion

Bob Kowal


A giant, menacing scorpion, the “Skewer-Pion” has been unleashed at Bob Kowal’s creature-rich Infestation 2021 haunt set! The design is based off a couple different scorpion types and is made out of blue insulation foam.

First, Bob gathered his building supplies and made some reference material to plan out the project.


Next, he plotted out which pieces will be used for each part and began making the rough shape for the body. He cut out the body layers, then glued them all together with Foam Fusion.



He started routing channels for the PVC pipe limb structures.

With the glue dried on the body, he sculpted and refined the shape to add in ridges and details and began constructing the wooden chassis for the tail.



He glued together the limb pieces and began refining their shapes once they dried.


Now the limb structure was starting to take shape. Next up is further work on leg segments.



He began work on the arms, cutting out the rough shape, then refining each piece.


He started shaping the tail segments, then shaped out the claws and stinger.



The scorpion’s face came next. He sculpted the mandibles and carved out the eye slots.



After more refining, the Skewer-Pion had finally taken shape!


After painting a black base coat, then the top blue coats and Day-Glo green trim, the creature was ready for display.242032781_1557269434637906_2071174010450779261_n




Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Industrial Hot Knife KitFoam FusionIndustrial Hot Knife Straight Guide