Easter Tomb Backdrop

Nancy McAfee


The Easter tomb’s 3-D structure is Styrofoam pieces braced to hold up the ‘roof’ which is a paint tarp that I painted to look like ‘sand/dirt’ and added some more rocks and greenery. I started with plain white EPS foam board and then made the ‘rocks’ individually with Hot Wire Foam Factory tools and glued them on before painting the whole thing. To put the bracing together with the stone façade, I used 4″ common nails, so it could be dismantled and stored flat.

The photos below show a combination of Easter and Vacation Bible School, as the tomb was used for both. I love to be able to repurpose my work. The arch was cut down and made into a ‘fireplace’ on stage for Christmas this year, complete with a faux “working” fire and mantle. The walls had been used as Pharaoh’s palace for VBS last year, so we covered them in stones for this year’s production.

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Pro 6″ Hot Knife & Freehand Router Kit • StyroGoo • Exterior Foam Coat