Christmas Projects

By Larry Garcia

Here are a couple Christmas projects by Larry Garcia, including a Christmas Village display and a Santa’s Workshop prop with a built in TV screen.


Santa’s Workshop

Larry put together this Santa’s Workshop prop. The project is made from Styrofoam insulation, glue, paint and Hot Wire tools:
-Crafters Deluxe 3-In-1 Kit – #K05
-Industrial Hot Knife Kit #035I-KIT

Santa's workshop 8

The workshop has a window that displays toys that where made at the workshop. It has a 32 inch tv hooked to a Laptop & Speakers in the back to display Elves working in the toy shop and messages from Santa. Acrylic Paint was used to paint the project.

santa's workshop 3
santa's workshop 4


santa' workshop 5

santa's workshop 7

“The Project was so much fun to do as it was for the retirement home residents and their families that come here during Christmas. The best thing of all this is seeing the faces of the kids that came in. I couldn’t do any of this project without your Amazing tools.”

Christmas Village

This Christmas Village was Larry’s first project using Hot Wire tools. It’s a multi-level display with back lighting and a nice light-blue trim on the foam snow.

larry garcia christmas village

larry garcia christmas village 3

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Crafters Deluxe 3-In-1 Kit • Industrial Hot Knife Kit