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Raised Flower Beds Part 10: Staining

The last part finishes off the flower beds with a stain finish utilizing StainFast and 3 different stains: blue as a base, black as a mid color, and red as the primary color. (NOTE: In this video, StainFast is clear. We’ve since changed the formula and now StainFast is white, but is applied the same way.)

Using 3 different pigment colors creates a super natural look. Experiment with how much pigment you use. Start with 3-5% pigment to StainFast. We like Mixol pigments, but any water based pigment that is UV resistant will work fine, too. Experiment by adding more and more pigment to StainFast until you get the depth of color you want. Most colors will look less saturated after they dry. If you happen to be making a fish pond for non-air-gulping fish, it’s best to not use more than 3-5% pigment, as some pigments might be toxic.

‍I like to apply one base color all over, then go back over it lightly spraying the other two colors. Using a dense sponge roller will help work the Stainfast into the foam coat and mix the colors, but is not necessary.

Apply a final seal coat of clear Stain Fast. I wanted a slightly shiny look, so we applied a final coat of off-the-shelf concrete sealer.



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