Foam Underwater Feature

By Patrick Wolovich of Deep Sea Aquarium Maintenance
Serving Los Angeles and Orange County

These photos are from a project I did for a client – these tanks are so narrow that there is not enough room to do much, so I proposed to do a rock insert. There’s also a short video of what it looks like with the bubbles running. This is the first project that I’ve done with your material and submersed in water. I used All-Purpose Foam Coat with Bounce to coat the foam and then sealed it with five coats of the matte finish Krylon Conservation Varnish. The Conservation is nice because it comes in a matte finish. The Conservation Varnish as well as Krylon Fusion for Plastic did not cause a change in pH at all.Craft_H&GDRN_patrickw_a01 Craft_H&GDRN_patrickw_a02