Clouds For Castle Bed


Our shipping associate, Jake, wanted to do something special for his niece. He helped build her a castle-themed bed and playhouse and thought some clouds on the wall overhead would look great with it. He asked our shop manager, Amber, for help and they got to work.

They drew out the clouds on three sheets of foam with varying thicknesses to create depth using the Sculpting Tool with Crafters Wires and the Wire Tensioner.

Once the clouds were cut out, they sanded the edges to round them off.


The entire surface was then coated with Bounce to add strength and adhere white glitter on each piece.

Once they were finished applying the white glitter, the coated bounce around the edges of the clouds and sprinkled blue glitter on them.

The end result:



Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Sculpting Tool KitBounce RubberizerWire Tensioner