D-Day Invasion Board
World War II D-Day Miniature Gaming Board
Mel, The Terrain Tutor
When building a scenic display or war games table, the first task is to lay the foundations and for this, scenic artists always turn to polystyrene.
Whether it be extruded or expanded polystyrene, it’s always our core building material.

Much like a sculptor creating a statue from a block of marble, scenic artists create rolling hills, cliffs, rivers and buildings of all different types all from sheets of polystyrene.

To do this, we have a wide range of tools, from power saws to steak knives, but the bulk of the work always falls to hot wire tools.
Whether it’s using a Scroll Table to precision cut the sheets to fit the table, the Sculpting Tool to shape the blocks into hills, the Freehand Router to create river beds or embed bunkers or the 4″ Hot Knife to create holes for reinforcement struts and even the Precision Engraver to shape the difficult to get to bits.
For me as a scenic artist, polystyrene is my medium, HWFF tools are simply the right tools for the job.
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