Steampunk Diorama

Foam cutting and 3D printing unite to make this diorama!

by Dave Stalter

3D Printed Robot Dioramma

Pieces of the diorama were created using Zbrush 3D program and printed on a Dremel 3D printer. The base was coated with Styroplast by Hot Wire Foam Factory.

3D Steampunk Robot Diorama
3D Steampunk Robot Diorama


Steampunk Robot Diorama
Steampunk Robot Diorama

I used Styroplast on the base of the diorama. I like how durable it is and easy to use and I also used Foam Fusion glue. Good stuff.  Your products are amazing and I love working with them.

3D Steampunk Robot Diorama

Steampunk Robot Diorama
Steampunk Robot Diorama

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Styroplast • Foam Fusion • Styrogoo