Silverton Mountain

Mike Melius


Enlightening behind-the-scenes look at the talented Mike Melius’ model railroad display. He is displaying his D56 village collectable buildings among the detailed mountain ranges, tunnel systems, realistic metal bridges and much more.
AF 1

Using the Freehand Router, Sculpting Tool, and 6-Inch Hot Knife, Mike sculpted the mountain formations with intricate detail. Once sculpted, the mountains were given a snow covered stone-like finish.




winter model railroad
winter model railroad

winter model railroad

winter model railroad

The town featured within this layout is comprised of S scale buildings and Christmas village pieces.

winter model railroad
Silverton tree decor1


Flyer in front of Goldmine
Little Christmas Tree


Silverton square and station

The finished layout features a small mining camp on top called “Animas Forks”, which is in H.O. Scale to give the illusion of distance when compared to the bigger S scale buildings below. The platform for it was made out of a 4×8 foam block which was shaped with rocky details using the Sculpting Tool.



AF Main St nite
Animas Forks house view


AF 3



Mike started adding a canyon section to the display which will feature a waterfall running under the bridge.




Mike has added even more additions to the village layouts and further details to the terrain. He has also seamlessly merged the display with his Cripple Creek Village.






hird Column

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Pro Model 3-In-1 Kit • Foam Fusion