Part 1: Planning the Layout
Miriam began this project by drawing plans for the neighborhood layout, which will merge directly with Miriam’s Christmas village park display from her previous video series (more info on that here).

Next, she used Foam Fusion to glue all the layers together.

From there, she took her Freehand Router and carved some inclines into the display as well as rounded off the edges. Then she used a Sculpting Tool with the arms bent a little inward so the wire arcs forward to cut faux stone ridges and details into the sides.

After that, she cut channels in the back of the display with the Freehand Router and made holes into the bottom platform with a drill for the wires to go through.

To finish off the first part, Miriam painted the sides using the same method she used in her Christmas village park series: a black wash base layer, a couple shades of gray over that, and a light dry brush of brown.