Works of Greg Bruce

By Greg Bruce


The camel, Georgina, is actually the first project I did.

She is white insulating EPS foam surrounding wood supports.  I had to make her come apart to get into my car so her front and back legs come off as does her neck and head.  Her middle is a 6??? carpet tube to which I screwed a frame that each piece slides into and screws tight.  Her underbelly is EPS but her hump is actually two bags full of EPS scraps I gathered when I panicked because I wasn’t going to finish her in time for the Children’s Christmas Program.  She’s on a set of furniture wheels to roll into the church.

Prop_vbs_gregb_06 The other projects were done for Vacation Bible Schools, with a beach theme. The flying seagull has a wingspread of 4’.  Each surfboard is 6’ from 2??? insulating EPS glued together with HWFF Foam Fusion.  They are then coated with Styroplast and spray painted.



I’m now enjoying the pink sheets of foam it is so dense I can get great detail.

Thank you for being there and all your help so far!