Phantom of the Opera Stage Props

By Ray Henry of Rayzor Studios

Just a word of “Thanks” for your products! I recently sculpted two 16 foot tall statues and another statue with an 8 ft wingspan. I couldn’t have done it without your tools! Well, I could have, but it would have taken two more weeks and would have been a lot messier! Usually I stay out of the pictures & let the piece speak for itself, but here I thought it important to give you a sense of size. I’m 6’2″ and the twins came in at 12’6″ each & 16′ tall on pedestals.

The stage pieces were done for South lake Carroll Sr. High School’s production of “Phantom of the Opera.” The kids did a great job and were the first High School to perform Phantom! I just provided a little eye candy on either side of the stage. The angel was attached to a basket in which the Phantom stood as he was lowered form the rafters singing one of his big tunes. It was a fun project and your tools made it easier!

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