Theatre Sets
Foam props and set pieces for Shrek the Musical and The Wizard of Oz
By Dorman High School Technical Theatre Students
There is a technical theatre class taught here at Dorman High School in Roebuck, SC. It is a hands-on class and the students learn different techniques to create depth and texture on the set pieces. Some are art students and like the painting aspect, other students are more the building type and build the set pieces. When designing a set, some of the more experienced students are asked to design some aspects, if not the whole set. The final design is up to the director and what is physically possible with the budget and materials available.

The Shrek proscenium was designed, drawn and mostly cut out by students. Painting was also done by students. The hanging was carried out by employees since using a lift was involved. The proscenium was constructed from 4’ x 8’ foam sheets assembled on a 1??? x 4??? frame, backed with white chiffon fabric. The large cathedral window assembly was also foam, the ‘glass’ was just builders plastic.

The arch in the witch’s castle was made from sheet foam, and the Winkie Staffs and the medal were made from scraps of XPS foam. Some of these props actually raised some money in a silent auction at the end of the season.