Vintage Gift Shop Sign
Noah Smith
Noah calls back to classic aesthetics with this striking vintage sign for Mullen’s Dairy Bar in Watertown, Wisconsin. The sign was designed to replicate Mullen’s main sign that hangs on the outside of their building.
“I worked with Mullen’s on creating a merchandise display area for their apparel. After some concept visuals, we decided on a ladder to display printed shirts, utilized their vintage milk crates for bulk shirts, painted a smiley face to match their outside exterior mural, and of course made a 3-D sign to call out the area which I created to sort of replicate their vintage signage hanging from the front of their building.
The 3-D vintage sign was all cut with the Industrial Hot Knife, layered/glued together with StyroGoo, and coated in Exterior Foam Coat using some Boost as well.”

“Throughout the setting time I worked the exterior foam coat with a damp sponge and brushes to give it a smoother texture.”

“Shoutout to these two amazing friends, Eric Schaefer and Dan Ferhman. They took on installing the sign, ladder and crates while assuring me that I could focus on the smiley face painting. They did a fantastic job and credit to them for their expertise.”