Creative Signs and Store Displays

By Gary Vee of Keep Smiling Foam Company
Bunbury, Australia


The dinosaur took me three weeks to complete, and most of the others took me between one to two days (not counting drying time) to build. Your foam cutting tools have been integral to these projects, thank you!

Foam Dinosaur
Gary Signs
 Foam signs and props

“When we were preparing to open our traditional English sweet shop, we wanted that quintessentially British icon – the ‘red pillar box.’ Unfortunately, they’re something of a collectors item, most are in a terrible state of disrepair and are cripplingly expensive. It had to be strong, tough and functional and as you can see they did an excellent job. From a client’s perspective they made the process easy. Today, the pillar box still takes pride of place in our shop window, not only does it attract plenty of attention from people inside the shop, but by people outside it too, most of whom come in for a closer look. So even if you want something that you think is impossible to make, give them a call, you won’t be disappointed!” – Matt Adams, Proprietor, Gobstoppers, Silo Complex, Bunbury, Western Australia.

Eps foam pet sculptures

“I am only too happy to endorse the products from the Keep Smiling Foam Company. These products are individually tailor made and bring a unique advertising opportunity to your business. The products are eye catching and promote the business well. I have had clients tell me openly that they came to our clinic because they liked our big dog. People frequently come in and ask if they can photograph our big dog and cat. We have had a surge in business since we invested in these items. Like all advertising, it pays for itself. I have found these products more effective in promoting our business than letter box drops or newspaper advertising. The products are a lifetime investment.” – Dr. Rob Hill B.V.Sc. and Associates, Australind Veterinary Clinic, Western Australia.

Monument Sign Foam Base

Base for a monument sign

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Industrial Hot Knife Kit • StyroGoo • Styroplast