Trade Show Planters

By Kathleen Meadowcroft of StageRight Corporation

Attached are pictures of the project that I completed for a trade show booth. I took 1.5??? sheets of 4’ x 8’ foam and glued them together After I glued it all together, I carved out the foam, put masking tape over the seams to give it a flawless finish and then painted it with interior latex paint. The effect was pretty cool!

After it was all painted I got a BUNCH of artificial flowers and greenery and hot glued them into place. I put the glue on the flower stems and let it cool before putting it in place, that way the foam didn’t melt. Since that initial display we have used some of the pieces for other trade show displays. At the initial show, one theater set designer thought the display was “real??? and he put his foot on it to rest it and was amazed that it was made out of Styrofoam! I had a good time using the Hot Knife and the Sculpting Tool. Everyone loves the results! Thank you!

Create your own planters Foam planters foam planters for stage Build your own stage props Build your own stage props