Legends of the Hidden Temple Prop

By Kit Espada



I made this Olmec replica from the Nickelodeon show “Legends of the Hidden Temple” for the folks over at Granite State ComicCon in New Hampshire.



The foam blocks came from Tractor Supply and I used around 40 blocks for this build. The whole thing ended up being eight separate pieces so that it is able to travel easily. It’s stands about 15′ tall and the eyes light up and the mouth will move (operable from the back). The main build is the 2’x1’ foam blocks with holes bored through and PVC embedded for structure, also so that the parts fit securely together. The front rock details were carved from an 8’x4’x6??? piece of foam and the feathers from pink XPS foam insulation board.


The project took about 40 hours and was done in 3 weeks. This project would have been significantly more difficult and taken much longer to complete without my Hot Wire Foam Factory Industrial Hot Knife Kit – the bendable blade made all the rock carving easy-peasy! I sanded this project for over 8 hours! The base paint is airport grade driveway seal, then it was dry brushed with latex paint.

I love my Hot Knife! Bigger projects are coming this year!

Suggested tools/materials for this project:

Industrial Hot Knife Kit • Exterior Foam Coat • Foam Fusion