Anakin Skywalker’s Pod Racer Engines

Mini RC Drone Course Obstacles

Flite Test

As part of a revamp of their shop, The Flite Test crew came up with a plan to redesign their hanging geodesic LED tubes to resemble the engines on Anakin Skywalker’s Pod Racer, as seen in “Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace”.


Series Parts:

With everything put together and hung up, the pod racer engines were finally ready to fly mini drones through them.

Tiny Whoop Drone FPV

The engines came out with incredible detail, both in the foam shape and the paint apps. They’re an awesome and creative representation of the actual pod racer seen in the movie.

Scene from The Phantom Menace

Video of Part 4:


Suggested tools/materials for this project:

XL CNC4-Foot Compound Bow Cutter

3-Inch Hot KnifeStyroGoo